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한국항공우주산업(KAI)이 정부를 상대로 한 '수리온 사후물류지원 용역비 지급' 소송에서 결국 승소 본문


한국항공우주산업(KAI)이 정부를 상대로 한 '수리온 사후물류지원 용역비 지급' 소송에서 결국 승소

NewBrain 2022. 5. 19. 18:30

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제목 : Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has finally won a lawsuit against the government for 'Surion follow-up logistics support service payment'

Surion. Photo=KAI

 Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) won the final lawsuit against the government in connection with its work, including technical and maintenance support, which was carried out after the delivery of the domestic helicopter "Surion.".

KAI and the government discussed the follow-up support work before and after Surion's initial Yangsan development project in 2010.

It was about technical and maintenance support after the delivery of Surion. KAI also asked for approval of quality assurance activities in relation to follow-up county support before signing the contract after supplying Surion 1. Since then, KAI has filed a lawsuit claiming that it has carried out follow-up county support work carried out in 2013 but has not received payment because a separate service contract has not been signed.


"The government gave KAI legitimate expectations that it will sign a service contract on the follow-up county head support project to make the payment," the first trial said. "Nevertheless, the government is refusing to settle the follow-up county head support project carried out by KAI in 2013.".

The first trial ruled that the government should pay KAI some 3.8 billion won in service fees. The second trial required KAI to pay some 3.2 billion won, down from the first trial, for reasons such as that some of its work was not related to follow-up county support.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun stockmk2020@infostock.co.kr


제목 : 한국항공우주산업(KAI)이 정부를 상대로 한 '수리온 사후물류지원 용역비 지급' 소송에서 결국 승소했다.

 한국항공우주산업(KAI)이 국산 헬리콥터 '수리온' 인도 후 진행된 기술·유지보수 지원 등 업무와 관련해 정부를 상대로 한 최종 소송에서 승소했다.

KAI와 정부는 2010년 수리온의 양산 1차 사업 전후 후속 지원사업에 대해 논의했다.

수리온 납품 후 기술 및 유지보수 지원에 대한 내용이었습니다. KAI는 수리온 1호 공급 후 계약 전 사후 군지원과 관련한 품질보증 활동 승인도 요청했다. 이후 KAI는 2013년 수행한 후속 군지원 업무를 수행했다고 소송을 제기했다. 그러나 별도의 서비스 계약을 체결하지 않아 대금을 받지 못했습니다.

1심 재판부는 “정부가 KAI가 후속 군수지원사업 용역계약을 체결해 대금을 지급할 것이라는 정당한 기대를 줬다”고 말했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 정부는 2013년 KAI가 추진한 후속 군수지원사업에 대한 타결을 거부하고 있다.

1심에서는 정부가 KAI에 약 38억원의 수수료를 지급해야 한다고 판결했다. KAI는 2심에서 1심보다 약 32억원을 지급해야 했다.